My husband, who is Austrian (I am American) and I spent a week last fall on the north end of Lake Garda, which was absolutely gorgeous. From there, we drove straight through South Tyrol on our way to Vienna. It was really fun to see how Austrian the area felt to me: the houses, the delicious food, and the clean streets. In particular, the calm, polite traffic was such a relief and contrast to the absolutely insane traffic we had previously experienced along the Ligurian Coast!

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I agree! I loved the bike lanes and how tidy and calm the funiculars were.

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This summer, when I was sweltering in the heat and humidity of Florence, my painting instructor told me to take a trip to the Dolomites. I wasn’t able to take her up on her idea but I’ll ask you a few questions instead. How cold was it up there in the far north? How warm is it in the summer? Did you find a good sized English speaking community. Did the population living there seem older or younger? Are there forests or just bare mountains? What cultural traduit did you experience that you would like to expand upon. Looking forward to your reply.

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