This resonates deeply. I want so badly to just accept my body’s transition through middle age and I can’t seem to make my mind and emotions fall in line. Therapy helps but I’m realizing my acceptance is a long journey. Strength training and collagen have helped, as has medical care with my hormones. I tried Botox early this year and the results were meh…so at least I’ve gotten that particular urge out of my system. 😂 It felt good to give myself permission to try it, though. Really good pizza helps (much harder to find in Portugal than Italy, of course), along with hugs from my husband (THE BEST), snuggling with my kitty, and voxing with my friends in the US. Oh, and two years ago I completed my tattoo sleeve, which feels very badass in a way that transcends my age and helps me feel more confident.

We’re not alone, and I’m so grateful that there are an increasing number of us sharing our journeys. 🩷

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Man, clicking on that link to Marcellus Williams and seeing that the countdown timer to his execution is at zero... how utterly devastating.

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Thank you, beautiful piece. My salvation comes from the silly jokes my husband and I exchange at night, the thought clouds our pooch has when he is being mischievous and cute all at once, looking outside my front window every morning and seeing the Douro River, the dreams I am beginning to have in our new place.

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Hey I am from San Diego too!! I love south of Rome but I will say I came here for access to Healthcare and it did indeed save me, in the literal sense, but living in Italy did not save me in the metaphorical sense.

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Being the "perfect" parent did not save me, nor did getting my art onto gallery walls. Great post.

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An absolute bomb of an essay, Brenna. I am right beside you on these observations. Fantastic writing.

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