I like the way you've put this, "drawing awareness to themes", it's something I reflect on a lot when I write, I don't want it to sound like I'm making sweeping generalizations because there are always exceptions and life is too nuanced to make things black and white. But there are undoubtedly themes that are interesting to reflect on and I think it's fun to explore with a wider audience.

I'm not personally familiar enough with Italian or French culture to speak to it directly but certainly food, fashion and lifestyle are huge for Spain as well. As for rivalries, I've heard friendly competitive comments between Spain and Portugal! But I imagine this varies depending on which part of Spain you're in.

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I love my Spanish sandals (Pons). Food is so good too ❤️ I have only done little Spain trips I would love to stay for longer !

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Having spent a lot more time in Italy than in France, I hadn’t thought about them being so similar, values-wise. Thanks for sharing your observations! 🇫🇷🇮🇹

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It is interesting to mention that there also many domestic rivalries within Italy. Being a country that was put together as pieces from different puzzles, even neighbouring regions will fight over one ingredient in a recipe or other tiny differences.

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I liked this comparison as someone who studied French in grade school (so retain much more French than other languages) and is now learning Italian (which feels like a slow, halting process). Your notes did strike me as very much France vs. Northern Italy. Have you noticed similar patterns between cultural nuances of Southern Italy or Sicily?

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😊 lovely read. Had an interesting “run-in” with some followers over the PESTO genovese vs PISTOU Provençal rivalry. 😂 no peace accord yet 🌸

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I would loooove to dress like an Italian or French girl! That style is so elusive...

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For me, it's the rivalry in film that stands out: it is hard to choose between the great Italian auteurs, Fellini and Antonioni, and the great French ones, Bresson and Kieślowski.

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Love your mum's reaction, cheating on France for the move to Italy. I can understand why the Italian had smoke coming out, French cheeses have their name but there are so many other countries with great cheese too. I once met someone telling me Greece has more cheeses than France. There are some amazing local cheeses in Greece that never reach the limelight. Loved this post! Culture and food!

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French people are cats. Italians should be dogs but I am not emotionally attached to the concept. It depends a lot on the person. I do have good French friends (one actually) and I think we literally bonded over wine. Also, aside from France, there is the olive war between Spain, Italy, and Greece! (we acknowledge we are all cousins but our olives are just better than theirs)

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As an Italian in a made-up war against France (especially during Eurovision) I can’t wait to dive into this article!!

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Thanks for the giggles! A lovely light hearted adventure!

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