One interesting piece of journalling advice I've come across is that you basically write your daily/weekly entries as a letter to someone close to you. That way you journal and reflect, but also make more intimate connections, giving others something they might value for a long time :)

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Thanks for sharing Azark! Do you give that person the letter? Or keep it private?

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If you're comfortable enough, send it! If not, maybe save it for a moment in the future

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Apr 15Liked by Brenna

Love this idea! I enjoy inner child journaling, which is similar in that you are writing a letter of sorts to yourself. Thank you for sharing this soulful journaling practice 💖

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Love this!

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Such a great read on journaling! I let my journaling fall off for awhile, and has made me realize how much I NEED it! I love the idea of getting more creative with some color, quotes etc is something I want to incorporate. Something that I do when I journal is write to my dad and sister, who both passed away in the last couple of years --- so healing.

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Ohh love that Melissa ❤️ I often write to my guides as well. Thanks for sharing.

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Very encouraging article. And it was super helpful. Thank you

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Apr 15Liked by Brenna

This is such a beautiful post! I agree! Journaling is such a powerful practice with soooo many benefits. I am not always consistent about journaling. But I always feel nourished when I do. Thank you for sharing these lovely practices 💖

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Thanks for reading Catherine 😊

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I really enjoyed reading this! I usually save tickets/other memories, but I don’t know why I never thought to get a journal with a space to keep them in. Makes sense to keep them where you are also writing about the experience!

I also love the idea of using a blank or grid journal to be able to show other creativities like drawing!

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I also tape things into my journal. I like making a sort of scrapbook ☺️

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Any tips on how to remember to do it? :) I think that's my biggest hurdle (as with other positive habits)!

I also have heaps of childhood journals, feelings and emotions you'd never remember if you hadn't written it down. I have to admit though, some of them make me cringe! Hopefully no one ever reads them and thinks I am that frozen moment in time.

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I told my best friend that when I die I need her to take my journals 😂 they can’t be in the wrong hands.

My husband gave me a daily Neapolitan / Italian journal which I’ve been using as a creative writing project. I write it in every night before bed. I keep it by my bedside table. It’s hard to forget!

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Apr 14Liked by Brenna

I love it Brenna. I am about to retire from work. I have a lot of things I want to do, but in no hurry and in no particular order. I want it to be a journey. I just ordered a journal, and plan to use some of your advice to get going. What better time than at a major transition point. Thank you, and keep doing what you do!

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Congratulations Dan! I know you’re had a super successful career and I’m excited you’re excited for your second life! You are always welcome in Napoli!! 🌋

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I also have a bunch of old journals from middle school and high school, the gel pens throwback 😅

There’s this exercise “Your Ten-Year Plan for a Remarkable Life” from Debbie Millman that I loved doing. It’s a similar vein as writing down the list of desires but instead you write out an entire day 10 years from now, what’re you’re doing where you are, etc including the littlest details like the color of the curtains of your house!

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Oh, love this! Just read about it here: https://www.debbiemillman.com/ten-year-plan

I have done the same with shorter time horizons :) I'd love to try the ten year plan!

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This was such as interesting read, as a dylexsic I have never manage to journal but I have been reading about it and want to give it another try. This post was so clear with ideas that most places are not.

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Thanks Frederica! If you prefer drawing, that's super powerful too. I've drawn my future self, I've drawn or collected images of my desires and things I want. It also might be helpful to create a voice note too instead of writing! Then you can listen to yourself back :)

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Yes for sure, I think the difficulty for me is finding a tool which lets me write with a keyboard and draw, the flexibility is so nice for something like this and it’s hard to get just on like word 😂😂

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Can’t wait to try these. And I wrote on secret code !! But can’t find the decoder sheet for mine ughh

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I don't journal regularly but I'm trying to make it a habit. I started it as a teenager and I usually wrote to my Dad whom I had lost when I was 9. It was my way of dealing with things. I used to do it a lot as a teenager and just like you when I read my past journal entries, I was surprised at how it had helped. Thanks for this helpful article. I hope to be more regular with my journalling.

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YES! Such good tips. Going to try the prompts one when I feel stuck or like I’m spiraling (the latter is my biggest journaling “challenge”).

Years ago I wrote down that I wanted to buy a house and hit a certain salary by age 30 and low and behold I did it--at the time it felt almost silly and arbitrary to write down and only in retrospect do I think there really was some power to the pen, like you said.

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Very practical insight! For a long time, I was extremely inconsistent with my journaling practice. I’ve since improved by simply carrying my journal around with me everywhere I go. No set time slot in my schedule, but it’s always there with me. Oh, and Happy Earth Day!

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I struggled with consistent journaling, but then I incorporated tarot cards and flow writing. Doing a card pull from my tarot deck gives me something to write about and reflect on. And flow writing also helps when I need to just get my thoughts out on paper, without worrying about how it sounds.

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