Brenna, it's one thing to quit a job when we're in our home country, because we know if need be we can hustle and shake ourselves into a new job without breaking a sweat. It's a whole other animal to do it as as an expat in Italy, although I also believe the benefits could be huge. You are being courageous and are choosing a different way to be, to live. I'm so curious where this year will bring you.

I'm very happy you gifted yourself the necklace. One thing I know for sure: when we treat ourselves with love, and propel ourselves forward to be proactive, new doors open.


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Thanks Diana! My inspiration! I appreciate your encouragement so much.

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Always. 🧡

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Diana, Your response is so thoughtful and on target. I think you are a role model for us all! xx

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Brenna, I left my "safe" job a couple of years back and it has felt so humbling. I've wrestled with a lot of the emotions you talk about here and just want to say I'm so proud of you for celebrating this moment! That pearl necklace is beautiful, and you're worthy. Enjoy!

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Thanks Kayli! That feels so nice to hear! :)

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I’ve definitely had those moments where I wasn’t courageous enough to speak the truth, and instead, I found myself making up little lies to avoid the vulnerability of honesty. It’s a funny thing, isn’t it? How we sometimes hold ourselves back from what we truly want or deserve.

By the way, my love languages are spending quality time and acts of service!

P.S. That necklace is beautiful, and I love the story behind it!

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Why do we do this? It's nice to know it's a relatable feeling.

Thanks for your encouragement! Hope you receive some love today!

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that’s a sweet wish Brenna! thank you 💫🧡

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Such a beautiful necklace, and a beautiful story! I love this representation of your current chapter of life. ✨

I have a hard time treating myself and not feeling guilty when I do, even though I’m within my means. I was proud of myself for gifting myself a massage and spa session when I had a month between jobs a couple years back. It sounds so trivial now but was a big deal for me!

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That's amazing Morganne! Congrats! I love a massage as well :)

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Lifelong denier of my own desires here. Thanks for this post. Glad you got the pearls. They are lovely. Here's to extending grace to ourselves.

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Whyyy do we deny ourselves our own desires?!? Thanks Sherry :)

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I am sending you a big virtual hug, Brenna! So proud of you for seizing this moment. I felt like I was right there with you in the shop. I would have had the same reaction upon learning about Aida's sustainability. I have to go back in your archives to learn what happened with your job! I've been in every situation imaginable here in Italy, stable full time job, part time job, freelance, no job. All of them can work depending on the surrounding circumstances. It sounds like you have the support of your man which is key. I didn't. ;-) Thank you for sharing this beautiful, concise story. I found it very inspiring. x

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Aw thank you Lolly! I quit my very competitive job to reset my priorities (I was working remotely for a US company). I am trying to take it easy for a few months and focus on my writing.

Luckily now I have a very supportive partner, a person I couldn't dream up if I tried, but I had to go through a lot to get to this point! We all deserve it.

Thanks for reading and connecting here!

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Oh! So good to hear this!! I'm so proud of you and look forward to reading everything you write! I had a somewhat similar experience when I first moved to Italy. I worked for a big 5 consulting company, worked and travelled ALL the time - and was a new mother to boot. I finally got up the courage to resign against the wishes of my new husband and his entire family. I'm so happy you have a supportive partner. This is how it should be! x

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What a lovely story, here's to your next chapter!

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Thank you Heather :)

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"It’s not easy to change your chemistry from 'achievement makes me feel safe' to 'I am safe to deeply rest' and it won’t happen overnight. But I’ve taken the first steps, and for that, I deserve recognition."

Brenna, I absolutely loved this story, and the theme resonated deeply with me this week, as I made a decision to extend a vacation next month—despite battling an inner voice that told me I hadn't "earned" it.

Lovely writing, as always, and I'm so glad you bought the necklace! ❤️

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Congrats Maddie on making a choice for yourself! You deserve it!

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This is so timely. I appreciate seeing you write about so many of the same fears/self-limiting beliefs I’m tackling. I’m planning to cut down my work hours and take a sabbatical in order to have more time to write… and it’s so scary taking that leap from security to what I really want. Good on you for going for it! (And getting that gorgeous necklace!)

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That’s amazing. If you don’t know about Cecile Marion she has a Substack about sabbaticals!

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I’ll check her out, thanks!

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Oof I felt this so hard! Good for you for getting yourself the necklace and reaffirming your choice to forge your own path, Brenna. 💕

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Thanks Samantha! It’s nice to know I’m not alone here and we’re going through some of the same battles.

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Agreed! It makes it feel much less scary!

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Every step you take in your journey of independence, Brenna, helps you conquer fear and expand your story of who you are and what you can be. Congratulations for taking these first steps--it will be fascinating to watch as each of your buds begins to blossom.

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Thank you so much Clarice ❤️ your support is felt by me! And so appreciated!

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Dreamy place. Dreamy attitude.

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Thanks Kate :)

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Got any other recommendations for Helsinki you could share?

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I love 💕 Helsinki. My favorite things were going to the saunas (I tried Loyly and Allas) - there was one I really wanted to visit on an island called Lonna that I wanted to try but ran out of time.

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